Spiritual Performance was born while I was working on my off-grid cabin in rural Vermont. I had been thinking about how I could help others reap the incredible physical, mental, and spiritual benefits of working closely with Nature.

I was going about my chores when, out of nowhere, the name “Spiritual Performance” popped into my mind. Later, I decided the Phoenix – the symbol for freedom through transformation – would be the icon to compliment the words.

To perform spiritually is to enact our true purpose in the world.

In order to perform spiritually, we need to be like the mythical Phoenix: die and be reborn, over and over again. Only when we shed all that is false and live our healthiest physical, mental, and spiritual truths do we rise up to enact our true purpose.

We transform like the Phoenix by humbling ourselves and communicating with a force that is strong, old, and wise. That force is Nature. Nature elevates and illuminates our body, mind, and soul.

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