Why I Practice Alchemy

“Nature always wears the colors of the spirit.” 

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

I have always been a student of Nature. From studying and identifying animals in my neighborhood woods to experimenting with natural supplements and plant medicines, my path has brought me deeper and deeper into understanding and knowing Nature. As a result, this path has invited herbalism and alchemy into my life. Over the past three years, I have been immersing myself in learning how I can work with plants, minerals, and metals for physical, mental, and spiritual performance. Specifically, alchemy has piqued my interest, inspiring and teaching me how to make full-spectrum Nature formulations to support me on my journey.

Until recently, the word alchemy was one that I had rarely heard, eliciting images of bearded old men hunched over trumpet-shaped glassware, attempting to magically coax lead into gold. But I have since learned that its practices and concepts can be used to help one live a vibrant and vital Nature-focused lifestyle.

Alchemy has never been clearly or universally defined by its practitioners. Rather, the literature surrounding alchemy mostly uses cryptic language to discuss the practices that lead to the creation of full spectrum tinctures called spagyrics along with a magical substance called the philosopher’s stone. Through these pursuits though, the alchemists of yore brought to light an incredible wealth of information about the integrated cosmological patterns of Nature.

Today, alchemy is credited by academia as the predecessor of modern chemistry. Everything else about its history has been more or less discarded because frankly, its dark. But it does provide a pathway to understanding and working with the powers of Nature in intricate and profound ways.

I see beautiful gems of knowledge in alchemy that can be used to support a Nature-focused, healthy lifestyle. To me, alchemy is the study of the relationship between Nature and Consciousness. I personally practice aspects of alchemy to achieve two goals:

Goal #1: Build a full-spectrum relationship with Nature

This has always been my goal well before learning about alchemy. And really, it has been the goal harbored within my soul my entire life. The more I return to Nature, the more this goal becomes realized.

Learning about and practicing alchemy has enhanced my relationship with Nature by helping me understand its basic energetic architecture. The following diagram illustrates this:

The map pictured above is my interpretation and rendition of one of alchemy’s central maps. Understanding this map, piece by piece, has gradually helped me understand more deeply how Consciousness (sub: Life Force/Quintessence/God/Great Spirit or whatever name you prefer) creates Nature. It also helps me see how we can connect to Consciousness through Nature, both in the natural world and within ourselves.

For example, I can look at the level of the four elements and work on identifying each of them in everything I see around me, including myself. As I work up the map, I change the focus. The three principles of body, mind, and soul are a more familiar layer. However, thinking about how they move through Nature expands my awareness. The 2 poles of light (masculine) and field (feminine) offer a higher layer to examine Nature and self. Finally, I can also spend time looking at Nature as the one Consciousness. I can play with my vision, blur the lines of landscapes and forms, and even close my eyes and look inward…all with the intention of perceiving and relating with the divisible, but ultimately unified Consciousness of Nature.

In this way, an alchemical map can serve as a bridge between Nature, self, and Consciousness.

Goal #2: Create full-spectrum Nature formulations to support goal #1

Getting out into Nature to gather materials for ingestible formulations (aka “tinctures”) has been a very powerful, engaging, and natural way to support my well-being and performance in life. I love that I get to spend lots of time exploring Nature, interacting with the physical and metaphorical energies of the land in order to get the wild substances I need for my creations.

In order to make my juniper formulation, I use all parts of the tree: needles, twigs, berries, and resin from dozens of Desert Junipers in different areas around my home. I then extract these aspects of the tree down into their three principles: mineral salts (body), hydrosol (mind), and essential oil (soul). Next, I add ethyl alcohol (also considered part of mind), to blend the parts together to create a liquified version of the tree’s Consciousness, which I call its quintessence.

My process is slightly different than a traditional alchemically prepared spagyric tincture, which typically discards the hydrosol and uses much more alcohol. To me, the hydrosol enhances the tincture, as it tastes much more pleasant and includes important constituents that, when combined with alcohol, represent the “mind” part of the three principles.

By taking in this Desert Juniper tincture, I take in the most potent and wise qualities of the tree, including its resilience, adaptability, and vitality. Taking in such a holistic formulation, like listening to a beautiful song, influences and amplifies the Consciousness of Nature that’s already inside of us, such as our own resilience, adaptability, and vitality. In other words, we intermingle our mind, body, and soul with that of the plant and ultimately Nature, taking in and living its wisdom as our own.

Desert Juniper in all its glory

I have learned that the best substances to put into our body come straight from the source. Desert Juniper is one tree that calls to me (in fact, an encounter with one pointed me towards alchemy in the first place, but that’s for another story). Therefore, I am aligning myself with this tree by ingesting this complete tincture daily. This practice of preparing and taking in full spectrum alchemy tinctures is a part of my soul’s quest. It is way for me to collaborate with the colorful, beautiful, and wise spirit that is Nature. In turn, this makes me more aware of and connected to the Conscousness that moves through us all.

There are countless ways to ingest, learn from, and connect with Nature. Alchemy is just one discipline that offers a powerful knowledge base of what I perceive to be Nature-centric ideas and applications that elevate us on all levels. I am now excited to share these wild-harvested and handmade formulations through my Spiritual Performance Etsy store to help others do the same.

Check out my first formulation, a Desert Juniper Quintessence Tincture, to learn more and give it a try.


NOTE: I first started studying alchemy by reading Evolutionary Herbalism by Sajah Popham, which I recommend. Then, by chance, I met a well-known alchemist who I worked with for a few months on my property, learning the basics of what to do (and not to do). I’ve also been receiving direct 1:1 mentorship from a skilled practicing alchemist and friend, Sky Walker, while I explore the art through self study and experimentation. If you feel inspired to read more about alchemy, check out Real Alchemy by Robert Bartlett along with The Elixir of Immortality by Robert Cox.

2 responses to “Why I Practice Alchemy”

  1. Hey Danny, thank you for this informative article on alchemy, and your journey with it. Excited to see as things continue to unfold!


    1. Thanks for appreciating brother!


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