Now Enrolling

Let’s work together (virtually) to elevate your body, mind, and soul with Nature.

  • You are passionate about living an adventurous, high performance lifestyle
  • You’re curious to understand yourself and Nature more deeply
  • You want to live a vibrant, healthy life and feel your absolute best
  • You feel a call to connect to Nature more deeply and more often

Feel fantastic and become more capable and free in your body.

With your commitment to transformation and my proven track record of 15+ years of results, you’ll achieve abilities beyond what you thought possible.

Get the spiritual education we all should have received by diving into the Nature-centric and integrated worldview of alchemy.

With simple, action-oriented maps that help you understand how Nature moves through you (as elements, planets, archetypes, etc) you’ll learn how to read yourself, your path, and the world with more clarity.

Unlock Your Soul

Enact your highest soul-level purpose by building your own unique relationship with Nature.

My guidance will help you access and build confidence in the spiritual realm of Nature, freeing your soul to perform spiritually in the world.

  • Weekly 45 minute zoom calls with me
  • Personal elemental, planetary, and archetypal analysis
  • Customized fitness/movement program via user friendly app
  • Weekly video review and feedback
  • Nature-centric curriculum organized around your learning style
  • Individualized practices for mental and spiritual transformation
  • Guidance on nutrition and natural supplementation
  • “Soul’s Quest” Journal review and feedback
  • Text and email support with 24 hr response time
  • Everything is tailored to meet your personal needs

Let’s see if we’re a good fit!

Schedule a discovery call with me

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